Videos: Why Vote? / ¿Por Qué Votar?
In these 15-minute videos, community members talk about the importance of voting. Both videos feature personal stories plus the essential facts about how to register and how to vote. The Spanish ¿Por Qué Votar? also addresses the topic of citizenship.
Messages are targeted for audiences with lower than average voter turnout, such as new citizens, 18-30 year olds, and less educated adults. These videos are perfect for a variety of settings — at home, as part of community or classroom programs, and for broadcast on local television stations.
Available for $19.95 (including shipping/handling for standard delivery) from the Peninsula Library System. Click the link to download a Voting Video Order Form.
Easy Voter Guide Workshop
This step-by-step workshop outline will help you guide participants to discover their own motivations for voting – and then follow-through with education about the voting process.
Visit the workshop with video page to download the 27-page outline and see video clips of the workshop in action.
Discussing the Issues
Our research shows that when people have dialogue about the issues they care about, they develop a sense of their own role in making change and are much more interested in learning about voting.
Visit our Discussing the Issues page to find resources and tools that can stimulate dialogue and increase voter motivation.
New voters can visit the Learn About the Issues section of this website to find user-friendly issue information from a peer perspective, including the California Voices Report.
How to Vote Workbook
Download the How to Vote Workbook, produced by the Easy Voter Guide Project and written by adult literacy students for their peers. This 16-page workbook takes the Voting is as easy as 1-2-3 approach and turns it into a learning activity. The workbook includes photos and easy-to-follow information about the voting process, along with activities to promote dialogue about the issues.
The Change Agent: Voting in the 2004 Elections
Published by The New England Literacy Resource Center/World Education, this special issue of their newsletter – the Change Agent – is a 36-page wealth of resources that can help promote voter involvement.
We invite suggestions for other links and resources for nonpartisan voter education and outreach. Please send them to us.
