Links & Resources for Voter Education and Civic Engagement


The Easy Voter Guide Project is committed to providing access to nonpartisan information for all Californians — whatever their education, income or background. Designed in collaboration with diverse community members, our tools address the why, how and what of voting and civic engagement.


The EVGP Model of Civic Engagement
Read about the three-part model that drives our work.

Why – Voter Motivation
Get a better understanding of why people don't vote and find tools to stimulate voter participation.

How – The Voting Process
Help people learn everything from registering to vote to using the equipment at their polling place.

What – Learning About Elections and Issues
Use these nonpartisan resources to help voters understand what's on the ballot and to promote dialogue about the issues.

Helping New Citizens
These resources can help new citizens learn how to vote and what they’re voting on.

Teaching Materials
A collection of workshop outlines and teaching resources to aid your work with new voters and new citizens.

Poll Workers
Have you considered becoming a poll worker? Learn more about it.

Multi-lingual Resources

The Easy Voter Guide website also provides online content in: