California Secretary of State
California Secretary of State’s site with official information about the registration process, absentee ballots, information about which type of voting equipment your county will use in the next election, multi-lingual voter education resources, voting access for persons with disabilities, FAQ’s, Elections Calendar, State Election code and other comprehensive information
Smart Voter
The League of Women Voters election-specific site provides voters with comprehensive nonpartisan information about the state and local contests on their ballot in an easy-to-use presentation, as well as many helpful links to other resources.
Vote Smart
Comprehensive data about state, national candidates and elected officials, their backgrounds, issue positions, voting records, campaign finances and performance evaluations. Same information also available at 1-888-VOTE-SMART (1-888-868-3762).
The California Voter Foundation
Handy maps of legislative districts, campaign finance reports, opinions on voting technology, links to candidate websites, helpful media links.
California Voter Empowerment Circle
Use this link for voter education resources for organizations focused on voter’s rights, and the needs of low-propensity and underserved voters.
Rock the Vote
Online registration tool; general information about registering to vote and voting; links to other helpful election-related sites and civic engagement resources for youth.
League of Women Voters of California
League of Women Voters of California analysis of ballot propositions (“Pros & Cons” available in English and Spanish), information about your elected representatives, facts about registering to vote, links to other resources. Also check for the website of your local League chapter.
Partnership for Immigrant Leadership and Action - PILA
The New Citizens Vote! curriculum aims to increase the skills and self-confidence of immigrants and others new to the U.S. system about voting and other local decision-making processes (available as PDF in English and Spanish; or can be ordered in Chinese, Vietnamese or Korean)
Public Policy Institute of California
Independent research on economic, social, and political issues facing the state. Download research briefs, surveys and “fast facts.”
Next Ten
Nonpartisan information about the California State Budget; provides user-friendly budget basics, short budget quiz or more comprehensive Budget Challenge to build your own budget for the future; multiple references on key budget categories.
Voices of Reform Project
A special project of The Commonwealth Club of California, promoting state governance that is responsive, representative, and fiscally sound. Information on events, discussions and panels with prominent experts on government reform.
Other links pages we like:
Smart Voter’s California links page
Rock the Vote’s local election information page
Suggest a link!
subject: Link suggestion for Easyvoter
