1. Make sure students understand the concept of liabilities.
2. Discuss the importance of keeping accurate records of
your liabilities. Explain that a buyer needs to bring this
information along to the interview for a loan application.
3. Ask students to name the various kinds of liabilities
individuals might have (e.g., credit card debt, car loans,
student loans, boat loans, small-business loans).
4. Discuss the importance of minimizing ones debts
before buying a house. For example, a person might not want
to buy a new car during the same year he or she is planning
to buy a home. (In some cases, a loan with fewer than seven
months of payments left may not be counted by a lender in
the debt calculation. Check with your local lenders for
5. Divide the students into pairs or small groups to answer
the questions to the right
6. Create a blank form similar to the one on this page.
Have students complete the form at home to get a better
idea of their total liabilities.
Going further
Through a local housing counseling organization, find a
counselor who
has helped a first-time home buyer complete a nontraditional
credit history for a home loan. Ask him or her to describe
what information was required. If possible, invite this
person to visit the class to discuss nontraditional credit