In addition to the Voting is as easy as 1-2-3 materials, you can also use these resources to help people go vote:
Absentee Voting
You can find official information and applications for Absentee Voting on the California Secretary of State's website.
Find a Polling Place
Every registered voter should receive a Sample Ballot with their polling place on it. To help someone who has misplaced their Sample Ballot, you can find their polling place – for most counties – by typing in their street address (for example, 123 Election Ave.) and ZIP code in the spaces below and click the "find my ballot" button. Their address will remain private.
This is a service of the Smart Voter website, which is run by the League of Women Voters of California. If it doesn't work for your county, refer people to their county elections office.
Vote Notes
Encourage people to bring notes about their choices with them into the voting booth. Vote Notes makes it easier to mark your ballot.
Download and print a free copy of Vote Notes, and have people use it to mark down how they want to vote. It also has easy voting tips.
Voting Equipment
There are many types of voting equipment used around the state. Encourage people to learn about the voting system they will use before Election Day. That way, it will be easier when they get to the polling place.
You can find out how to use the Voting System in your county on the California Secretary of State's website.
Multilingual Voter Services
Multilingual voter education resources are available from the California Secretary of State's Office. Under federal law, 25 counties in California are required to provide ballots and voter information in at least one other language – and some in as many as seven! Click the link to download a printable list of counties that offer election materials in different languages.
The Easy Voter Guide website provides online content in:
Voter Bill of Rights
The 10-point Voter Bill of Rights, a one-page sheet published by the California Secretary of State, includes things such as the right to receive assistance in casting a ballot and the right to receive a new ballot if you make a mistake while voting.
We invite suggestions for other links and resources for nonpartisan voter education and outreach. Please send them to us.
