Easy Voter Guide
June 6, 2006
Primary Election

The Easy Voter Guide
June 6, 2006 Election



About the political parties

When you sign up to vote, you will be asked if you want to join a political party. A political party is a group of people who share the same ideas about what government should do.  They work together to try to win elections.  There is no cost to join a party.

You can also choose not to join a party by marking “decline to state” on the voter registration form. If you want to change your party, just fill out a new registration form.

Each of the political parties sent us a statement. You can use what the parties say to help you decide which one to join.

Click here to download a PDF version of these Political Party Statements that fits on one page.



You can change your party at any time before the registration deadline. Just fill out a new registration form and check a different party box.

You don’t have to join a party. You can check the box “Decline to State.”