Easy Voter Guide
June 6, 2006
Primary Election

The Easy Voter Guide
June 6, 2006 Election



Lieutenant Governor

In this June Primary Election, a candidate from each party is being selected to run for Lieutenant Governor against the other parties’ candidates in the November election.

Elected for four years, the Lieutenant Governor:

  • becomes Governor if the elected Governor dies, chooses to leave, or is removed from office
  • has a tie-breaking vote in the State Senate
  • heads up the Economic Development Commission
  • sits on the boards of the California university system

    Candidate Party Occupation Residence
    Liz Figueroa Democrat California State Senator Sunol
    John Garamendi Democrat State Insurance Commissioner Sacramento
    Jackie Speier Democrat California State Senator Hillsborough
    Tony Farmer Republican Realtor Fresno
    Tom McClintock Republican California State Senator Thousand Oaks
    Jim King American Independent Real Estate Broker Riverside
    Donna J. Warren Green Financial Manager/Author Los Angeles
    Lynnette Shaw Libertarian Caregiver/Musician Fairfax
    Stewart A. Alexander Peace & Freedom Automobile Sales Consultant Murrieta

    Candidates are listed alphabetically within each party. The parties are listed in the order of their size in California.


Secretary of State

In this June Primary Election, a candidate from each party is being selected to run for Secretary of State against the other parties’ candidates in the November election.

Serving as the state’s elections chief and record keeper, the Secretary of State is elected every four years to:

  • coordinate statewide elections; make sure everything gets on the ballot properly
  • keep records about campaign finances and lobbyists
  • issue official documents, like trademarks and filings for new corporations
  • run the state archives to preserve California’s history with documents like the State Constitution

    Candidate Party Occupation Residence
    Debra Bowen Democrat California State Senator Marina Del Rey
    Deborah V. Ortiz Democrat California State Senator Sacramento
    Bruce McPherson Republican Appointed Secretary of State Santa Cruz
    Glenn McMillon Jr. American Independent Small Business Owner Union City
    Forrest Hill Green Financial Advisor Oakland
    Gail K. Lightfoot Libertarian Retired Nurse Arroyo Grande
    Margie Akin Peace & Freedom Archaeologist/ Medical Anthropologist Riverside

    Candidates are listed alphabetically within each party. The parties are listed in the order of their size in California.



In this June Primary Election, a candidate from each party is being selected to run for Controller against the other parties’ candidates in the November election.

Serving as the state’s bookkeeper, the Controller is elected every four years to:

  • keep track of how the state’s money is spent
  • issue most checks from the state and manages collections of money due to the state
  • conduct audits and reviews of state agencies
  • report on finances of state and local governments
  • work with many boards, including tax boards

    Candidate Party Occupation


    John Chiang Democrat Member, State Board of Equalization West Hollywood
    Joe Dunn Democrat California State Senator Santa Ana
    Bret R. Davis Republican Businessman Foster City
    David L. Harris Republican Businessman Discovery Bay
    Abel Maldonado Republican Business Controller/ Senator Santa Maria
    Jim Stieringer Republican City Treasurer La Mesa
    Tony Strickland Republican Taxpayer Organization President Moor Park
    Warren Mark Campbell American Independent Minister Kaweah
    Laura Wells Green Financial Systems Consultant Oakland
    Donna Tello Libertarian Tax Accountant Poway
    Elizabeth Cervantes Barron Peace & Freedom Retired Teacher San Jose

    Candidates are listed alphabetically within each party. The parties are listed in the order of their size in California.



In this June Primary Election, a candidate from each party is being selected to run for Treasurer against the other parties’ candidates in the November election.

Serving as the state’s banker, the Treasurer is elected every four years to:

  • act as the banker for the state and release money to pay the state’s bills
  • manage the state’s investments of $60 billion
  • manage the sale of state bonds
  • chair many boards related to state finances and investment

    Candidate Party Occupation Residence
    Bill Lockyer Democrat

    California Attorney General

    Claude Parrish Republican

    Member, State Board of Equalization

    Rancho Palos Verdes
    Keith S. Richman Republican

    Business Owner/ Assemblymember

    E. Justin Noonan American Independent Computer Technician Marysville
    Mehul M. Thakker Green Investment Advisor Oakland
    Marian Smithson Libertarian City Treasurer/CPA West Covina
    Gerald Sanders Peace & Freedom Longshoreman /Electrician Oakland

    Candidates are listed alphabetically within each party. The parties are listed in the order of their size in California.


Attorney General

In this June Primary Election, a candidate from each party is being selected to run for Attorney General against the other parties’ candidates in the November election.

Serving as the state’s chief law enforcement officer, the Attorney General is elected every four years to:

  • make sure laws are enforced the same way across the state
  • serve as legal advisor to Governor, Legislature and state agencies
  • manage the state Department of Justice
  • oversee sheriffs and district attorneys

    Candidate Party Occupation Residence
    Jerry Brown Democrat Oakland Mayor/Attorney Oakland
    Rocky Delgadillo Democrat Prosecutor/City Attorney North Hollywood
    Chuck Poochigian Republican California Senator/Attorney Fresno
    Michael S. Wyman Green Attorney-at-law

    San Rafael

    Kenneth A. Weissman Libertarian Attorney-at-law Beverly Hills
    Jack Harrison Peace & Freedom Attorney-at-law


    Candidates are listed alphabetically within each party. The parties are listed in the order of their size in California.



Insurance Commissioner

In this June Primary Election, a candidate from each party is being selected to run for Insurance Commissioner against the other parties’ candidates in the November election.

California’s Insurance Commissioner is elected every four years to:

  • manage the state Department of Insurance
  • enforce laws that insurance companies must follow
  • help the public with their questions and complaints about insurance

    Candidate Party Occupation Residence
    Cruz M. Bustamante Democrat California Lieutenant Governor Sacramento
    John Kraft Democrat Insurance Healthcare Consultant South Pasadena
    Steve Poizner Republican Businessman/Entrepreneur Los Gatos
    Jay Earl Burden American Independent Student Marysville
    Larry Cafiero Green Newspaper Editor Ben Lomond
    Dale F. Ogden Libertarian Actuary/Insurance Consultant San Pedro
    Tom Condit Peace & Freedom Writer Berkeley

    Candidates are listed alphabetically within each party. The parties are listed in the order of their size in California.