Easy Voter Guide
June 6, 2006
Primary Election

The Easy Voter Guide
June 6, 2006 Election



How the Primary Works

California has seven political parties. The purpose of the June 6, 2006 Primary Election is to let voters choose which candidates they want to represent their political party for each elected office. The winners of the June Primary Election for each party then run against each other in the November General Election. 

Your party choice affects what kind of ballot you will get in this Primary Election:

•      If you are registered with a political party, your ballot will only have candidates from your party for partisan offices.

•      If you registered “decline to state” (not with a party), you have a choice of ballots in this election.  You can ask for one of these parties’ ballots: American Independent, Democrat or Republican.  Or, you will get a “nonpartisan” ballot with no candidates listed for partisan offices.

Some of the partisan offices in this election are Governor, U. S. Senator, U.S. Congressperson, State Senator and State Assemblyperson. Nonpartisan offices include the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and local officials.

All ballots will have nonpartisan offices and ballot measures. Everything on your ballot will be listed in the Sample Ballot mailed by your county elections office. Or fill in your address here to see what will be on your ballot:

Smart Voter Get your ballot!

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Your address is confidential.
From the League of Women Voters of California