Propositions are proposed laws presented to the public to vote on. Use the menu on the left to read about each statewide proposition in this election.
- 1A, 59, 60 and 60A were put on the ballot by the State Legislature.
- 61 through 71 are “initiatives” that were placed on the ballot by people who collected enough signatures.
- 72 is a “referendum,” which means voters are asked to decide on a law that was already passed.
- Propositions that would change the State Constitution are called “Constitutional Amendments.”
Some propositions cover the same topic:
- 1A and 65 are about local government funds.
- 60 and 62 affect primary elections.
- 68 and 70 are about Indian gaming.
If parts of these measures conflict with each other, the one with the most votes may overrule the other.
The descriptions about what the propositions would do and cost are taken from the official Voter Information Guide. The arguments for and against are from people who support or oppose the proposition.
