Candidates for President



Candidates for President /
Vice President:

You may vote for candidates from any party.

Kerry / Edwards

Bush / Cheney

Peroutka / Baldwin
American Independent

Cobb / LaMarche

Badnarik / Campagna

Peltier / Jordan
Peace and Freedom

The order of the candidates is based on the size of their party in California.

The candidates for President and Vice President run together as a pair or “ticket.” You vote for a pair of candidates. They are elected for a four-year term.

The President:

  • Oversees most federal departments.
  • Approves or rejects new laws.
  • Presents a budget each year to Congress.
  • Is in charge of foreign policy and the armed forces.

The Vice President:

  • Takes over if something happens to the President.
  • Runs meetings of the U.S. Senate.
  • Attends important events for the President.
  • Has other duties chosen by the President.

We asked the candidates for President to tell us why they are running, their qualifications and their priorities.

Democratic Party
John Kerry

John Kerry

United States Senator

Age: 60

Lives in:
Boston, Massachusetts

I’m running to make America stronger at home and more respected in the world. I will ensure our nation’s security, create good-paying jobs at home, and restore our place in the world.

My experiences as a combat veteran, a prosecutor, a Senator, and a father have instilled in me the values of America and shown me the greatness of our country when we believe in ourselves.


  • Make America safer by making our military stronger, rebuilding our alliances, and reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

  • Create good-paying jobs, cut middle-class taxes, and restore a responsible budget in Washington.

  • Ensure all Americans have quality, affordable health care.


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John Edwards

Running Mate:
John Edwards

U.S. Senator

Age: 51

Lives in:
Raleigh, North Carolina

Republican Party
George W. Bush

George W. Bush

U.S. President

Age: 58

Lives in:
Washington, D.C.

I want to build on the progress we have made in strengthening the economy, creating good jobs, winning the war on terrorism, and securing America against the threat of terrorism.

I have a record of accomplishment in making America more secure; creating almost 1.5 million jobs since last August; reforming education so no child is left behind; and providing tax relief for every income tax-paying American.


  • Keep America safe from terrorism and win the war against terrorism.

  • Build a strong economy that creates jobs and promotes entrepreneurship.

  • Ensure that every American who wants to work can find a job.


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Dick Cheney

Running Mate:
Dick Cheney

U.S. Vice President        

Age: 63 

Lives in: 
Washington, D.C.

American Independent Party
Harry Reid

Michael Anthony Peroutka

Occupation: Attorney

Age: 52  

Lives in:
Millersville, Maryland

Someone has to stand up for an American view of law and government: there is a Creator-God and rights come from Him. The purpose of government is to protect and secure those rights.

I am the Founder of The Institute on the Constitution, a nation-wide program teaching the principles incorporated in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.


  • Honor God by putting the 10 Commandments back in the courts.

  • Defend the Family by ending “legal” abortion.

  • Restore the Republic by securing the borders and remaining obedient to the Constitution.


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Dr. Chuck Baldwin

Running Mate:
Dr. Chuck Baldwin        

Occupation: Pastor

Age: 52

Lives in:
Pensacola, Florida

Green Party
Harry Reid

David Cobb

Community Organizer/Lawyer

Age: 41

Lives in:
Eureka, California

I am running to grow the Green Party and give voice to issues ignored by the two establishment parties: ending the occupation of Iraq, repealing the “Patriot” Act, providing health care and a living wage.

I do not accept corporate money, nor do I accept the dominant role of corporations in our lives. I was born into poverty and have lived the American dream, putting myself through law school.


  • Bring our troops home from Iraq. Shift funding from the Pentagon to social programs and the environment.

  • Provide a living wage—not just a minimum wage.

  • Provide universal, single-payer health insurance for everyone in this country.


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Patricia LaMarche

Running Mate:
Patricia LaMarche

Activist/Radio Programmer

Age: 43

Lives in:
Yarmouth, Maine

Libertarian Party
Michael Badnarik

Michael Badnarik

Computer Programmer    

Age: 50

Lives in:
Austin, Texas

Americans have lost many of their rightful freedoms to a large and interfering federal government. I’m running to restore Constitutional government and return those freedoms to the people.

I understand the Constitution and the limits that it places on government. More importantly, unlike the other candidates, I am willing to abide by those limits and restore American freedom.


  • End the war in Iraq and restore America’s successful foreign policy of non-intervention.

  • Repeal the Patriot Act and restore government’s respect for civil liberties.

  • Repeal gun control and restore the Second Amendment.


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Richard Campagna

Running Mate:
Richard Campagna          

Attorney/ Educator/ Counselor

Age: 51

Lives in:
Fairfield, Iowa

Peace and Freedom Party
Leonard Peltier

Leonard Peltier

Artist and author

Age: 60

Lives in:
Leavenworth, Kansas

I have been caged for over 28 years for a crime I did not commit. I will stop the policies which oppress people of color and those who think differently or try to change things.

I am a Native American. I have survived poverty, discrimination and genocidal policies. I want all people to have education, employment, housing and health care. We need equal rights, liberty and justice for all.


  • Abolish the federal death penalty and release all political prisoners.

  • Make the U.S. government abide by all its treaties with Native Americans and other nations.

  • Remove all U.S. troops from other countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan.


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Janice Jordan

Running Mate:
Janice Jordan

Student and mother

Age: 40

Lives in:
San Diego, California