The candidates for President and Vice President run together as a pair or “ticket.” You vote for a pair of candidates. They are elected for a four-year term.
The President:
- Oversees most federal departments.
- Approves or rejects new laws.
- Presents a budget each year to Congress.
- Is in charge of foreign policy and the armed forces.
The Vice President:
- Takes over if something happens to the President.
- Runs meetings of the U.S. Senate.
- Attends important events for the President.
- Has other duties chosen by the President.
We asked the candidates for President to tell us why they are running, their qualifications and their priorities.
Democratic Party |
John Kerry
United States Senator
Age: 60
Lives in:
Boston, Massachusetts |
I’m running to make America stronger at home and more respected in the world. I will ensure our nation’s security, create good-paying jobs at home, and restore our place in the world.
My experiences as a combat veteran, a prosecutor, a Senator, and a father have instilled in me the values of America and shown me the greatness of our country when we believe in ourselves.
- Make America safer by making our military stronger, rebuilding our alliances, and reducing our dependence on foreign oil.
- Create good-paying jobs, cut middle-class taxes, and restore a responsible budget in Washington.
- Ensure all Americans have quality, affordable health care.
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Running Mate:
John Edwards
U.S. Senator
Age: 51
Lives in:
Raleigh, North Carolina

Republican Party |
George W. Bush
U.S. President
Age: 58
Lives in:
Washington, D.C.
I want to build on the progress we have made in strengthening the economy, creating good jobs, winning the war on terrorism, and securing America against the threat of terrorism.
I have a record of accomplishment in making America more secure; creating almost 1.5 million jobs since last August; reforming education so no child is left behind; and providing tax relief for every income tax-paying American.
- Keep America safe from terrorism and win the war against terrorism.
- Build a strong economy that creates jobs and promotes entrepreneurship.
- Ensure that every American who wants to work can find a job.
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Running Mate:
Dick Cheney
U.S. Vice President
Age: 63
Lives in: Washington, D.C.

American Independent Party |
Michael Anthony Peroutka
Occupation: Attorney
Age: 52
Lives in:
Millersville, Maryland |
Someone has to stand up for an American view of law and government: there is a Creator-God and rights come from Him. The purpose of government is to protect and secure those rights.
I am the Founder of The Institute on the Constitution, a nation-wide program teaching the principles incorporated in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.
- Honor God by putting the 10 Commandments back in the courts.
- Defend the Family by ending “legal” abortion.
- Restore the Republic by securing the borders and remaining obedient to the Constitution.
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Running Mate:
Dr. Chuck Baldwin
Occupation: Pastor
Age: 52
Lives in:
Pensacola, Florida

Green Party |
David Cobb
Community Organizer/Lawyer
Age: 41
Lives in:
Eureka, California |
I am running to grow the Green Party and give voice to issues ignored by the two establishment parties: ending the occupation of Iraq, repealing the “Patriot” Act, providing health care and a living wage.
I do not accept corporate money, nor do I accept the dominant role of corporations in our lives. I was born into poverty and have lived the American dream, putting myself through law school.
- Bring our troops home from Iraq. Shift funding from the Pentagon to social programs and the environment.
- Provide a living wage—not just a minimum wage.
- Provide universal, single-payer health insurance for everyone in this country.
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Running Mate:
Patricia LaMarche
Activist/Radio Programmer
Age: 43
Lives in:
Yarmouth, Maine

Libertarian Party |
Michael Badnarik
Computer Programmer
Age: 50
Lives in:
Austin, Texas |
Americans have lost many of their rightful freedoms to a large and interfering federal government. I’m running to restore Constitutional government and return those freedoms to the people.
I understand the Constitution and the limits that it places on government. More importantly, unlike the other candidates, I am willing to abide by those limits and restore American freedom.
- End the war in Iraq and restore America’s successful foreign policy of non-intervention.
- Repeal the Patriot Act and restore government’s respect for civil liberties.
- Repeal gun control and restore the Second Amendment.
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Running Mate:
Richard Campagna
Attorney/ Educator/ Counselor
Age: 51
Lives in:
Fairfield, Iowa

Peace and Freedom Party |
Leonard Peltier
Artist and author
Age: 60
Lives in:
Leavenworth, Kansas |
I have been caged for over 28 years for a crime I did not commit. I will stop the policies which oppress people of color and those who think differently or try to change things.
I am a Native American. I have survived poverty, discrimination and genocidal policies. I want all people to have education, employment, housing and health care. We need equal rights, liberty and justice for all.
- Abolish the federal death penalty and release all political prisoners.
- Make the U.S. government abide by all its treaties with Native Americans and other nations.
- Remove all U.S. troops from other countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan.
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Running Mate:
Janice Jordan
Student and mother
Age: 40
Lives in:
San Diego, California

