65 Local Government Funds
Initiative / Constitutional Amendment



The way it is now:

Local governments count on property taxes, sales taxes and vehicle license fees to help pay for local services. The state has a lot of control over this local tax money. Because of the state’s budget problems, in recent years local governments have gotten less of this tax money.

The State Legislature put another measure, Prop 1A, on the ballot to change this situation.

What Prop 65 would do:

Change the State Constitution to require voter approval for any reduction in money to local governments from sales taxes, vehicle license fees or property taxes. Prop 65 would also let local governments ignore state mandates if they are not paid by the state to follow them.

Effect on government spending:

Local government income would be higher and more stable. More money going to local government would also mean less money for state government programs.

argument forArguments for
Prop 65:

argument againstArguments against
Prop 65:

  • Prop 65 keeps the state from raiding local government to balance the state budget. Local services like public safety will be protected.


  • The group of local governments that put Prop 65 on the ballot now supports Prop 1A. They say Prop 1A is a better way to protect local services.