Ocean Explorer Expedition Education Modules
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New Zealand American Submarine Ring of Fire 2005 - NZASRoF'05
(April - May 2005) This Team explored active submarine volcanoes in the Kermadec Arc, located north of New Zealand, with a pair of manned submersibles. This is a subduction zone where tectonic plates converge and a chain of restless volcanoes is formed along the boundary.
Submarine Ring of Fire 2004 - Mariana Arc
(March - April 2004) An interdisciplinary team of scientists returned to the submarine volcanoes of the Mariana Arc to explore, utilizing an underwater tethered robot (ROPOS).
Submarine Ring of Fire 2003 - Mariana Arc
(February - March 2003) An interdisciplinary team of scientists explored the submarine volcanoes of the Mariana Arc lying north of Guam in the western Pacific.
Submarine Ring of Fire 2002 - Explorer Ridge
(June - August 2002) An interdisciplinary exploration team used new technology to investigate the birth of new ocean crust off the coast of western North America, part of the Pacific "Ring of Fire."
