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Housing ads

1. Bring in a local newspaper. Show students some examples of housing ads. Ask them to guess the meaning of a few of the abbreviations in the ads.

2. Go over each of the abbreviations on the list on this page. Point out that although in some areas there is a standard way of writing certain abbreviations in housing ads, there is a great deal of variety. Writers may or may not use periods at the end of abbreviations. They may mix capital letters and lowercase letters.

3. Look in the newspaper for examples of other kinds of abbreviations. Divide students into two teams. See which team can find the most new abbreviations not on the list.

4. Make an “abbreviation bingo” game by placing abbreviations on a grid six squares across and six squares down. Use buttons or coins for markers. Read a list of words out loud (e.g., “fireplace”), and have those students who have the appropriate abbreviations on their grid (e.g., “frpl.”) place markers on them. The student who first places a marker on every square wins.


Book graphic How to Buy Your Own HomeTable of ContentsGlossaryAnswer KeyFree Resources

Unit 2 : Lesson 2: How to find the right home

Document literacy:
Interpreting classified advertisements

Housing ads

Being able to read housing advertisements is a valuable skill. But it is not as easy as it might seem! Look in the real estate section of your newspaper. You’ll find that the housing ads use many abbreviations of words in order to save space. It takes some practice, and sometimes some good guessing, to figure out what they mean.

Look at the ad below. Can you figure out the meaning of each abbreviation?

In the abbreviation 3/2/2, the 3 stands for three bedrooms. The first 2 stands for two bathrooms. The second 2 stands for a two-car garage. CHA refers to central heat and air conditioning. Lg.yd. means there is a large yard. 1850 sf shows the number of square feet of floor space in the house. Finally, $120K means the asking price for the house is $120,000.

There are no standard abbreviations for words used in real estate ads. Different abbreviations are used in various parts of the country. The more ads you read, however, the better you will understand their meaning. If you find abbreviations you don’t understand, a real estate sales professional may be able to help you figure out their meaning. The chart below describes some of the most common abbreviations you will see in classified ads for housing.

Bayshore & Interbay area. 3/2/2, CHA, new roof, lg.yd., 1850 sf. Ready to move in. All for $120K! Call Harris Realty 834-1111.


Some Common Real Estate Abbreviations
air conditioning a.c., AC
appliances appl.


2 full baths and 1 half bath 2.5 ba.
bedroom bdrm., BR, br.
3 bedroom/2 bathroom 3/2
3 BR/2 ba./1-car garage 3/2/1
central heat and air CHA
central hear CH
carpeting cpt.
dining room dr., DR
dryer dry.
dishwasher d.w., d/wsher
fireplace f.p., frpl., FP
family room f.r., FR
garage gar.
included inc.
kitchen kit.
large lg.
living room l.r., LR
near nr.
owner financed own. fin.
parking pking.
square feet s.f., SF
thousand ($50,000) K ($50K)
two story 2-sty.
washer and dryer W/D, wshr./dry.
with w/



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