Housing ads
1. Bring in a local newspaper. Show students some examples
of housing ads. Ask them to guess the meaning of a few of
the abbreviations in the ads.
2. Go over each of the abbreviations on the list on this
page. Point out that although in some areas there is a standard
way of writing certain abbreviations in housing ads, there
is a great deal of variety. Writers may or may not use periods
at the end of abbreviations. They may mix capital letters
and lowercase letters.
3. Look in the newspaper for examples of other kinds of
abbreviations. Divide students into two teams. See which
team can find the most new abbreviations not on the list.
4. Make an abbreviation bingo game by placing
abbreviations on a grid six squares across and six squares
down. Use buttons or coins for markers. Read a list of words
out loud (e.g., fireplace), and have those students
who have the appropriate abbreviations on their grid (e.g.,
frpl.) place markers on them. The student who
first places a marker on every square wins.