Purpose of Unit 2
To introduce the process of deciding on the kind of home
that you would like to buy, shopping for your home, and
making an offer on a home.
1. Ask students to look at the picture on this page.
2. Ask them to describe the picture. Ask the students what
kind of home they think this family should buy. Do you think
they will all agree that the property must have wheelchair
access to accommodate Rose?
Extension activity
1. Have students describe their own idea of a dream
house. You might want to bring in pictures of different
kinds of homes to help students describe their dream house.
Shoppers guides to homes, real estate sales
professionals magazines, and other kinds of commercial
magazines may provide pictures to supplement the ones in
this workbook.
2. Compare different studentresponses. Discuss how everyone
has a different view of what is desirable or most important
in a home.
Reflecting as a group
Talk about the difference between a dream home and a realistic
vision of what you need. Of the things you might want in
a dream home, which are really essential in a home you might
be able to afford? How could you make a modest home into
a special, inviting place to live?