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1. Students who are thinking of buying a home soon may wish to call any of the following three major credit reporting agencies for a copy of their credit report:

Equifax, 1-800-685-1111

Experian, 1-800-422-4879

Trans Union, 1-800-916-8800

2. Ask for volunteers who receive a response from their call to a credit reporting agency to make a photocopy of the report and to “white out” the personal and financial information. Compare the formats of different
credit reports.


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Unit 1 : Lesson 3: Your credit report

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Usually, for a small fee, you can request a copy of your own credit report. Look in the Yellow Pages of your phone book under “Credit Reporting Agencies” to find a credit reporting agency in your area. On the lines below, write them a short letter to request your credit report. Be sure to include your full name, address, and telephone number in your letter.

Credit Reporting Agency
60 Any Road
Anytown, MA 01234

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am considering a home purchase in the near future. Please
send a copy of my credit report to me at the above address.
Here is the information you need to complete the credit report:

Name: John R. Doe
Address: 123 Home Street, #302,
Anytown, IA 55555 (Jan. 1995-present)
Social Security Number: 000-00-0000
Date of birth: Dec. 10, 1967

Previous addresses for the last 5 years:
234 House Drive, #5,
Anytown, IA 55555 (Nov. 1993-Jan. 1995)
345 Apartment Avenue, #100,
Anytown, IA 55555 (Oct. 1992-Nov. 1993)

John R. Doe

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