The Easy Voter Guide Project helps new voters and busy voters learn about how to vote and what will be on the ballot. We also help people learn how to make change in their community. Our goal is to show people that it's easy to participate.
Here's some of what you'll find on this website:
Everything you need to know about how to register to vote, how to get informed about an election, and how to vote at your polling place or at home.
Easy-to-read, nonpartisan information about statewide candidates and propositions – updated for each statewide election.
Use this information to learn about important issues – then form your own opinions.
Simple ideas about how to make change happen – with information about contacting your elected representatives.
A collection of workshop outlines, handouts and other teaching materials for anyone doing voter education projects and promoting civic engagement.
All of our printable materials and audio recordings – easy to find and ready to use.
Let us know what you think!
Are the things we provide helpful to you? Is there something you'd like us to add? Please send us a note.
