The Easy Voter Guide Project Advisory Committee is a group of senior leaders in public information, education, media, civic engagement and business who are committed to empowering the broadest possible range of Californians to participate in voting and other forms of community involvement. The work of the committee complements ongoing user review with a wide variety of community members in multiple languages.
Current members:
- Susan Hildreth, California State Librarian
- Bradley J. Clark, Assistant Secretary of State for Elections
- John Mott-Smith, California Secretary of State’s Office
- Jill LaVine, Registrar of Voters, Sacramento County
- Jackie Jacobberger, President, League of Women Voters of California
- Robbie Davis, President, LWVC Education Fund
- Jill Kaiser Newcom, Executive Director, LWVC
- Anne Campbell, City Librarian, National City Library
- Sandy Close, New California Media
- Leslie Smith, Dean of Government Relations, San Francisco City College
- Sally Leake, Sacramento City Unified School District
- Kathay Feng, Executive Director, California Common Cause
- Teresa Favuzzi, CA Foundation for Independent Living Centers
- Kathy Ng Hassan, Interim Executive Director, CAUSE
- Jack Bates, California Newspapers Publishers Association
The Easy Voter Guide Project is also grateful for its sponsors.
