Organization: California Voter Empowerment Circle (CalVEC)
Mission: CalVEC is an ad hoc coalition of organizations committed to encouraging full civic participation in traditionally disenfranchised communities, particularly, people of color, people with disabilities, and language minorities. CalVEC seeks to ensure fair, accessible, and secure elections for all.

Target audience: All Californians, English-speaking and non
Voter education activities and resources:
- Voter Registration Support
- Education/Discussion about the Issues
- Voting Information Materials
- Opportunities for people to learn about and “get active” around key election and voting related issues of the day.
- Website with links to other organizations and their resources
Primary voter education practices:
Voter rights, information about hotlines available around the state run by various community groups, proposition education.
We offer web space for organizations to post the election education materials they have created – to share and distribute. We also host a list-serve for members to share information about voting and election news. Organizations are welcome to join! Contact us at info@calvec.org.

Success Story:
On February 4, 2005, we will be hosting a California Conference on the Voting Rights Act, in Los Angeles. It’s a unique opportunity for community activists around the state to come together to talk about the importance of the Voting Rights Act. Some sections are going to be expiring, so we will give practical training to people to organize community forums, talk to their Congress members, and talk to the press. It is free! You can register at www.calvec.org.
See a list of CalVEC’s current members.
CalVEC recommended links:
American Civil LibertiesUnion of San Diego & Imperial Counties, www.aclusandiego.org
American Civil Liberties Union–Southern California (ACLU – SC), www.aclu-sc.org
American Association of People with Disabilities, www.aapd-dc.org
Asian Law Alliance, www.asianlawalliance.org
Asian Law Caucus, www.asianlawcaucus.org
Asian Pacific American Legal Center, www.apalc.org
California Clean Money Campaign, www.CAclean.org
California Council of the Blind, www.ccbnet.org
Californians for Electoral Reform, www.cfer.org
California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC), www.cfilc.org
Center for Governmental Studies, www.cgs.org
Chinese for Affirmative Action, www.caasf.org
Common Cause of California, www.commoncause.org/ca
Common Knowledge: developers of the Easy Voter Guide, www.ckgroup.org
Demos, www.demos.org
Disability RightsEducation and Defense Fund, dredf@dredf.org
FairVote, www.fairvote.org/sf
FairVote / The Center for Voting and Democracy, www.fairvote.org
FREED Center for Independent Living, www.nccn.net/~freed
California's resource for health-related initiatives. A project of the Center for Governmental Studies and the California HealthCare Foundation, www.healthvote.org
Korean Resource Center, www.krcla.org
Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights, www.lawyerscomm.org
League of Women Voters of California, www.ca.lwv.org
League of Women Voters – Los Angeles, www.lwvlosangeles.org
Liberty Hill Foundation, www.libertyhill.org
Mexican American Legal Defense & Educational Fund (MALDEF), www.maldef.org
NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Inc. (LDF), www.naacpldf.org
National Association Latino Elected & Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund, www.naleo.org/
National Disability Rights Network (formerly NAPAS), www.ndrn.org/issues/voting/default.htm
National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC), www.nakasec.org
New America Foundation, www.newamerica.net
Orange County Asian Pacific Islander Community Alliance (OCAPICA), www.ocapica.org
Partnership for Immigrant Leadership and Action, www.immigrantvoice.org
People for the American Way Foundation, www.pfaw.org/pfaw/general
Protection & Advocacy, Inc., www.pai-ca.org
Southwest Center for Asian Pacific American Law (SCAPAL), www.scapal.org
University of California Institute of Governmental Studies, www.igs.berkeley.edu
Voices of Reform, Commonwealth Club ofCalifornia, www.commonwealthclub.org
Western Law Center for Disability Rights, www.wlcdr.everybody.org
