There are many reasons why your name may not be on the list of voters at the polling place on Election Day:
- Are you at the wrong polling place? Check the label on the back of your Sample Ballot to make sure you have the right address.
- Have you changed your name or address? If you changed your name or address since the last election, but did not fill out a new registration form, you won’t be on the list of voters.
- Did you register to vote right before the election? If so, that may be why your name did not make it onto the list of voters on time.
Provisional ballot
If your name is not on the list when you go to vote, you can vote with a “provisional ballot.” Your vote will be put in a special envelope and sent to your county elections office. A poll worker will tell you how to find out if your vote was counted or not.
The county elections office will check to see if you are registered to vote in your county. If you are, they will count your vote.

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