Any voter can choose to vote at home by mail. When you vote at home, you can vote when it’s easy for you – even before Election Day. You can take your time, and your family and friends can help you.
To vote by mail, you use an “absentee ballot” – which means you will be absent from your polling place on Election Day.
How to get an absentee ballot:
You need to apply for an “absentee ballot” in writing.
- You can fill out the application form that comes with your Sample Ballot. It may look like the form below. (Click on it to make it bigger.)
- You can also apply for an absentee ballot by writing a letter or postcard to your county elections office. Be sure to sign your name!
- Some county elections offices have websites that let you apply for an absentee ballot online.
- Important deadline! Send in your application form as soon as you can, but make sure it will arrive at your county elections office at least 7 days before Election Day.
How to use your absentee ballot:
- You will receive your absentee ballot in the mail.
- Fill out your absentee ballot at home. Your family and friends can help you.
- Important deadline! Be sure to mail your ballot back in time so that it arrives at the elections office by Election Day. Or, you can drop it off at any polling place in your county between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. on Election Day.
- If you vote by mail, you can’t vote at the polls too. Only one vote per person!

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