Cold seeps
Cold Seep—definition
What are cold seeps?
This slide show gives basic information about cold seeps. The focus is on cold seeps of the Monterey Canyon off California. Scientists are looking at animals living on the bottom of the sea floor. They are studying these bottom-dwelling organisms and the chemistry that makes this environment unusual and unique.
Life without Light: Cold Seeps in the Gulf of Mexico
Scientists from Pennsylvania State University study cold seeps in the Gulf of Mexico. This website has great photos of tubeworms, ice worms, brine pools, and mussels, all living in the area of cold seeps. There is information about each of these animals, including where they live, how they live, and diagrams of their anatomy.
Dive to a Cold Seep in the Gulf of Mexico
This website takes us to the cold seeps of the Gulf of Mexico. The information is from the Census on Marine Life.
Ocean Explorer Lesson Plans from the Gulf of Mexico exploration
These lesson plans were developed to support an expedition to the Gulf of Mexico. The lessons are grouped by grade level and by topic. They include lessons in life science, chemistry, biology, and earth science.
Barite Statistics and Information
Barite statistics and uses
Barite Mineral Data from the Mineralogy Database
A complete description of barite, with photos of its many forms.
The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom: Barite
Look here for an overall description and photos of barite.
The Mineral Galleries
Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: Barite
Find out how barite is used in oil drilling in this technical glossary.