This will be my last journal entry, as we will be docking in San Diego by 9:30 tomorrow morning. We are finishing all the packing, and will have to do some cleaning before we leave the ship. There are no housekeepers on board, and so everyone pitches in, and even the scientists are responsible for cleaning their rooms. Vacuuming, garbage, and linens all need to be taken care of. Living on board a ship really takes a team effort. There are a lot of people in a small space. We scientists will unload our gear and have a day or two to explore before heading back to Hawaii, Oregon, and The Netherlands. Those from San Diego itself have a shorter commute. Most of us will be back next July to further explore the science questions we have, though in a much hotter climate. For those of you who came along for the ride—thank you! We hope it was enjoyable and in some small way informative. The Players: Brian “Flash” Q: What are three ways the ocean impacts your everyday life? What do you think are some difficulties/differences involved in studying the ocean compared to studying things on land?