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August 17 - September 10, 2005
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September 5, 2005
Meeting the New Horizon
Many scientists are working on the LOCO project. Some of them are on land, and others are working on small ships. Charles Greenlaw, Tom Kleinwaks and Dr. Van Holliday have been at sea on a small vessel, the RV Shana Rae. Here they are checking a seabed mooring that they will release into Monterey Bay. They have placed five such moorings into the water. Each mooring has a radio link to the shore station. The instruments report zooplankton abundance every few minutes from the water column above the moorings.
On August 29th, these scientists came alongside the RV New Horizon to deliver equipment. At first, the New Horizon was hardly visible in the fog. As the Shana Rae got closer to the New Horizon, it was possible to see the entire ship . The scientists got a good look at the LIDAR instrument on the bow of the ship (for more information about this instrument, look at the optical layer detection method under the Research Methods section of this website Kathleen Salinas also wrote about the LIDAR in her journal of August 26, 2005
The Shana Rae came alongside the New Horizon. After the equipment was delivered, the scientists on the Shana Rae returned to the part of Monterey Bay where they were installing other scientific instruments.
