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'Easy Voter' Offers an Easier Way
to Get Informed in Preparation
for November 2 General Election
New voters and busy voters who want to become better informed in preparation for California's November 2nd general election have an easy place to start: the nonpartisan Easy Voter Guide.
Sponsored by the adult education leader Literacyworks, the Easy Voter Guide features information and photos about how to register, how to choose a political party, and how to vote, including a "virtual tour" of a polling place.
The Easy Voter Guide website is also the online home of the popular nonpartisan Easy Voter Guide. Prepared in partnership with the California Secretary of State’s office and the California State Library, the guide provides:
Statements of purpose from each of California's seven political parties
Short statements, photos and links for the candidates for U.S. President and U.S. Senate
Succinct summaries of each of the statewide ballot measures
On the Easy Voter Guide website, the Easy Voter Guide can be viewed online in English and Spanish and can be downloaded as a sixteen-page booklet in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean.
"We found that voters are turned off by negative partisan ads but are also overwhelmed by lengthy non-partisan information," says Susan Clark of Common Knowledge who founded the Easy Voter Guide Project. "Easy Voter is a jargon-free resource that voters can use to easily get oriented to the election, with links to other sources so people can choose what they want to learn more about."
"We designed the Easy Voter Guide website to help voters get the information they want more quickly. Our expertise is in making technology serve different learning styles," says Paul Heavenridge, director of Literacyworks.
Literacyworks Launches Online Version of Fannie Mae Foundation’s Homebuying Readiness Workbooks (posted
in partnership with the Fannie Mae Foundation, has adapted the
Foundation’s excellent “Homebuying Readiness” workbooks.
There are two workbooks, one geared toward learners in Adult Basic
Education programs, the other written for English as a Second
Language learners. Each workbook has two versions, one for students
and one for teachers, which includes lesson plans and answer keys.
created online versions of
these workbooks, complete with nearly 100 interactive exercises
and dozens of printable PDF versions of the worksheets found in
the workbooks.
Literacyworks Designs New Logo and Website
for California Library Literacy Services (posted
California State Library’s library literacy division, California
Library Literacy Services, asked Literacyworks to develop
a new logo and website for the wide-ranging division, which comprises
four major programs: Adult Literacy Services, Families for Literacy,
Mobile Library Literacy Services, and English Language Learning
website features profiles of all four programs and offers ways
for users to find library literacy services close to them as well
as getting involved as either learners or volunteers.
Matters Partners with Literacyworks (posted
Matters, a weekly radio program “for parents and others
who care for kids,” has selected Literacyworks as its literacy
partner. In addition to extending awareness of Childhood Matters
throughout the literacy community, Literacyworks also maintains
the organization’s website.
California Reach Out and Read (posted
California Reach Out and Read promotes early literacy by putting
books into the hands and homes of young children in California
by sustaining and developing Reach Out and Read programs across
the state. Reach Out and Read trains doctors and nurses to advise
parents about the importance of reading and to give books to children
at pediatric checkups from 6 months to 5 years. CAROR currently
has programs in more than 180 clinics in California.
will help with developing and hosting the CAROR website, as well
as helping CAROR expand awareness of its program within the more
than 100 library literacy programs in California. Literacyworks
is also facilitating communication between CAROR members by hosting
its discussion listserv.