People who are strong in the spatial
intelligence remember things visually, including exact sizes and
shapes of objects. They like posters, charts, and graphics. They
like any kind of visual clues. They enjoy drawing.
Here are ways to work with this intelligence
in your lessons:
- Write a language experience story and then
illustrate it.
- Study and create maps, diagrams and graphs.
- Color code words so each syllable is a different
- Write a word on the blackboard with a wet
finger. Visualize the word as it disappears. See if you can
spell it afterwards.
- Take a survey. Put the information in a
- Write words vertically.
- Cut out words from a magazine and use them
in a letter.
- Use pictures to stimulate reading or writing.
- Visualize spelling words.
- Use the say-copy-look method of spelling.
- Use colorful newspapers like USA Today.
- Use crossword puzzles.
Editors of New Readers Press. Playing.
One of Four Books on Feelings. New York: New Readers Press,
Glickberg, Joy. Crosswords for Language
Arts. California: Pitman Learning, 1985.
Murdock, Maureen. Spinning Inward.
California: Peace Press, 1982 (rev. ed. Shambala Press).
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Engaging the Intelligences