
People who are strong in the social intelligence
like to develop ideas and learn from other people. They like to
talk. They have good social skills.
Here are ways to work with this intelligence
in your lessons:
- Take part in group discussions or discuss
a topic one-to-one.
- Read a dialogue or a play together.
- Do team learning/investigating projects.
- Set up interview questions, and interview
your family. Write the results.
- Write notes to one another instead of talking.
Fleischman, Paul, A Joyful Noise: A Poem for
Two Voices, Harper & Row, New York, 1988.
Ross, Michael and Bernice West, All in the
Family: A Dramascript Books, Pitman Learning, California, 1972
Samples, Bob, Open Mind/Whole Mind, Jalmar
Press, California, 1987.
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Engaging the Intelligences