1. Ask the students to complete the Unit Review individually
as a mini-test.
2. Collect the workbooks and check student responses.
3. Provide additional review for any items students miss.
Other end-of-session tips
1. One teacher who reviewed the materials suggested that
students keep a running list of unanswered questions about
home buying. At the end of the session, a guest speaker,
such as a real estate sales professional or a mortgage lender,
can be invited to respond to the questions on their lists.
2. Ask students to keep in touch with the program. Ask
them if they would be willing to come back to the class
to talk about their own home-buying experience.
3. Develop a certificate of completion for your home-buyer
mini-course. Have a special ceremony to pass out the certificate
and congratulate students on their completion.
4. Host a potluck or other social event to celebrate the
completion of the course. Guest speakers and others from
the community who have helped plan the course may be delighted
to attend and to extend their own
congratulations to the participants. Be sure to take pictures!
Plan additional home-buyer mini-courses
Although this curriculum has been directed toward Adult
Basic Education teachers, there may be other contexts in
which it can be offered. Many adults with somewhat limited
literacy skills may want to attend a mini-course on home
buying without enrolling in Adult Basic Education. Teachers
may want to share this curriculum with local community-based
organizations that might be interested in hosting a
mini-course on homeownership.