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Purpose of Unit 4

1. To learn the most basic steps homeowners should take to protect and maintain the safety of their home.

2. To be able to understand and use a warranty for a major household appliance.

3. To be able to fill out and use a monthly household budget.

1. Ask students to look at the picture on this page. Use the questions to introduce the topics to be covered in Unit 4.

Reflecting as a group
1. Ask students to think about why it is important for them to be good
financial planners after they become homeowners. What can happen if they don’t make their monthly mortgage payments on time? What kinds of unexpected expenses may come up once they become homeowners?
Point out that Lesson 2 will go over the steps for making a monthly household budget.

2. Together with students, discuss what it means to become a member of a community. Why is it important for neighbors to get to know one another? List some ways neighbors can work together to make their neighborhood a safer and better place to live.


Book graphic How to Buy Your Own HomeTable of ContentsGlossaryAnswer KeyFree Resources

Unit 4: Your home is your castle

The Millers maintaining their house1. What are the Millers doing to maintain their home?

2. What kinds of things can you do to protect and maintain your home?

3. What is the best way to keep track of your expenses when you move into a new home?

4. How can you become involved in making your community a better place to live?

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