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Comprehension check
These questions ask students to recall details from the text, to find the main idea, and to make inferences based on what they have just read.

Talk about it
Ask students to divide into pairs or small groups to discuss each of the three questions. Assign one person as a “recorder” and another as the “reporter.” Have students report back on their small-group discussions. Make a chart of the advantages and disadvantages of homeownership.

The Looking further
section will give you some possible responses. See if your students can come up with other, creative responses.

Managing the classroom environment: Individualized instruction
Many adult basic education programs rely on individualized instruction to meet the needs of students at a variety of levels. Many of the sections of the workbook can be assigned for individualized instruction. Students can self-check their answers with the Answer Key. Some activities designed
for group instruction can also be adapted for individualized instruction. For example, the questions in the Talk about it section can be given as writing assignments. Be sure to allow time to read and discuss together what the students have written.

Going further
Many public libraries have introductory videos on homeownership. Check one out to show to your students.


Book graphic How to Buy Your Own HomeTable of ContentsGlossaryAnswer KeyFree Resources

Unit 1 : Lesson 1: This apartment is too small!

Comprehension check printer

Talk about it printer

Discuss these questions with your classmates. Report your group’s answers to the class.

1. Why do you think Mary and Tom Miller might be ready to buy a house now?

2. What should Joe and Teresa Ramirez think about before they decide if they can buy a house?

3. What are some advantages and disadvantages of homeownership?

Advantages of homeownership:

1. Feeling a sense of ownership

2. Stable housing costs

3. Appreciation (increase) in value of house

4. ___________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________


Disadvantages of homeownership:

1. Increased responsibility

2. Need to pay property tax

3. Need to maintain property yourself

4. ___________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________

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