Editorial Committee



The committee of current and former adult literacy students who help make sure that the Easy Voter Guide is user-friendly:

Jeremiah Hawkins, John Zickefoose, Resonja Willoughby, Norma Lepe-Shaw, Gloria Francis, Darlene Garcia, Gloria Ashford, Sherries Oakmon

Left to right:

Jeremiah Hawkins, John Zickefoose, Resonja Willoughby, Norma Lepe-Shaw, Gloria Francis, Darlene Garcia, Gloria Ashford, Sherries Oakmon.

Not pictured: Mike Srey, Shaneika Henderson, Patricia Jordan, Neil Mills, Emma Torrez, Maria Gonzalez. Professional staff support from Ellen Loebl, Vision Literacy.

Additional Easy Voter Guide models: Linda Kong, Librado "Lee" Perez, Mony Flores-Bauer, Jeanette Cruz, Virginia Contreras, Cheshire Beckerman, Joseph Lepe Shaw.

Special thanks to the Alameda County Registrar’s Office: Charles Corum, Esther Robinson, Estela Orozco, Jan Blythe, Angeles Barraza.

Photography: Kevin Berne, Paul Heavenridge.