Activity: Find Your House
1. Find pictures of various kinds of houses
(page 39 of the Longman Photo Dictionary [Rosenthal, Marilyn
S. and Daniel B. Freeman. Longman Photo Dictionary. Longman:
White Plains, NY, 1987] provides a nice selection).
2. Cut out each house and enlarge to poster
size (make enlargements of the pictures in sections and
tape together).
3. Display houses by taping to walls around
room. Label style of house.
4. Ask students to stand under their current
style of home.
5. Form groups of three to four students
to discuss the pros and cons of their current home.
6. Ask students to discuss the location,
style, and size of their dream home.
7. Have students stand under the poster
that most resembles their dream home.
8. Ask students to discuss the pros and
cons of their dream home.
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