If you need additional assistance
When you get to the final stages
of home buying, you will find many more details you
will need to know about. It is not possible to cover
all of them in this book. With so many people and
so much money involved, its important to look
out for your own needs and interests. There are a
number of places you can go for assistance.
Most communities have some form
of nonprofit community housing agencies that you can
go to if you have further questions about buying a
home. Counselors at these agencies can often tell
you about special loan programs for persons with low
and moderate incomes, help you understand how to fill
out complicated forms, and provide other services.
They may also be able to tell you about educational
programs for new home buyers.
You can hire an attorney (lawyer)
to look over the legal documents and assist you in
the final stages of home buying. If you do decide
to hire an attorney, make sure to find one who has
the special knowledge needed to handle real estate